Tuesday 23 December 2014

Rotary Marsh Trail, Brandt's Creek Outflow to Lake Okanagan- Kelowna Waterfront-

  • December 23, 2014
Finally did a hike with my grandson's today! Amie, Ollie, Deegan and I arrived at Rotary Marsh Park and Wildlife Sanctuary in the wetlands of Brandt's Creek at the Kelowna Waterfront at 11:00am. It was a brisk day, but as you can see, no snow on the ground!

I was hoping to catch a glimpse of a beaver working in the pond, but no such luck, but there were a lot of ducks swimming around. The boys were not disappointed.

The marsh trail meanders along the wetlands. On our walk along the pond, we saw many
different birds, including a large whooping crane! Unfortunately, the osprey hawks were not at home. They must migrate for the winter? Will have to research that one. We did see where they nest.

Can anyone see the Okanagan Lake Floating bridge in the background, or is Ollie hogging the scenery as usual! What a ham...

Our walk along the lakeshore included playing on a Gert Maas sculpture of a family enjoying beach life, a waterfall, airplanes, boats and the Delta Grand Hotel and the Dolphins sculpture. We ended up at the outdoor skating rink, but doofus Gwampa forgot to take a picture! The skating rink was packed with skaters. Amie found out that you can rent skates, helmets, and the skating helpers (you know the PVC pipe deals that novices can hang onto to avoid falls), for a family of four (4) for under $25.00.

The hike took about an hour. One thing about taking children on hikes, is that you learn to go slow and really appreciate everything, and take it all in.

Length of hike- 60 minutes
Difficulty- easy
Lessons learned- do this hike in spring when the beavers and osprey will be hard at work

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