Saturday 6 June 2015

Angel Springs Hike- Kelowna, BC

June 6, 2015

Wow! Just wow. My favorite hike so far! Cannot believe I have lived here for 36 years, and just found this gem today!

Hiking partners: Tom Bell, Glenn Thompson and Tia
Start time: 10:30 am
Finish time: 2:30 pm
Difficulty: Easy to moderate- until the final ascent to Angel Springs which was difficult

**Remember- click on the images to enlarge them**

Where do I start! It was very hot today- but when we were on this trail, it was like being in air conditioning. There are two (2) Angel Springs hikes, one that starts from June Springs Road and one that starts from McCulloch Road. We took the long one- McCulloch Road, because Hiking rated this hike as a five star, and the shorter June Springs Road hike, as only a three star.

We will do the June Springs Road hike this summer some time, but I agree the McCulloch Road hike is a five star! Seriously- this hike was amazing.

You like old growth forests with monstrous trees- check!

You like incredible canyon walls, caves, beautiful creek with crystal clear running water, history (tufa and how it is formed), and environmentally conscious and pristine forest- check, check, check....

I want you all to read this- and check out my photos- so I am going to let my photos speak for themselves. I thank Tom and Glenn for joining me. They were as impressed as I was that this incredible trail is located within out City Limits.

1) My hiking buddies. I think Tia is still in Toms SUV.

2) Our first bridge. The beginning of the trail has bridges crossing the creeks, but as you get further along on the hike, there are no more bridges, and you have to wade through KLO Creek, so do this hike in the early summer, summer or fall- not in early Spring. We brought water shoes- just in case- but did not need to use them.

3) Old growth Cedar, Douglas Fir and Larch trees line this pristine path. So proud of the hikers that use this trail. Not one cigarette butt, discarded granola bar wrappers or pop cans, or Tim Horton cups anywhere- so nice to see.
 4) Check out this little waterfall and swimming hole!
5) Finally a photo of Tia! This is our first creek crossing. No more bridges!

6) Tom crossing the creek.

7) Check these Canyon walls. This is just a small snapshot of the incredible rock formations we found on our hike. Really- you should go and check them out!
8) Moss covered Canyon walls. Tom and Tia bonding.

9) Glenn at another section of the canyon walls.

10) Just doing a little rock climbing up this cliff.

11) Did I mention how BIG some of the trees were on this trail. Amazing!

12) Tom holding up the Canyon wall- Superman!

13) Fortunately no bears came crawling out of these caves in the canyon walls.
14) On our way UP a steep ascent to the Springs. Do not tell Bonnie that we let Tia off leash for much of the hike (tee hee)!
14) Tia hanging back with Tom and Glenn as we climbed the steep hill to the Springs.
15) Another crossing through the creek. We had to cross the creek 4 times.
16) Thank goodness for our politicians in power when the Springs were found by a hunter, in 1960, who saw steam rising from the ground where the Springs were located. There is a large tufa deposit here, and there were a number of claims filed to mine the tufa- but local citizens protested and the government would not allow the claims to proceed

17) Very interesting. Near the Springs, the cedar trees were a bright rusty red color on one side, and greenish gray on the opposite side. See the following photos.
18) Amazing canyon walls. That is all I can say. I just hope these photos do them justice.

19 )Our picnic spot. Two hours to get here. Time to head back.

20) Another creek crossing. See the fallen tree over the creek. You hold onto that and you walk over the logs in the water. Very cool!
21) Our final stop on the way back. More opportunity for Tom and Tia to bond!
 I am glad that we did the Angel Springs ascent, but must admit I was a little disappointed that there was not a larger pool at the end of the trail. There were springs there- but not much to see.
However, the beauty in this trail is the walk through the canyon. I will do that again, many times- but not take the trail to Angel Springs. You should do it once- but no need to take the 30 minute, steep, uphill climb after that.
History lesson:
Footwear- hiking boots or good running shoes (no sandals!)
Other gear- LOTS of water and bring food and, just in case you get your feet wet - extra socks
Highly recommended! If anyone wants a guide- I would be happy to take you!


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